
Friday, August 26, 2011

Lil' Smokies and Tortilla Chip Casserole

Abandoned Edibles
Tortilla chips; BBQ Lil' Smokies
(additional ingredients: tator tots, cream of mushroom soup, sour cream, cheddar cheese, bag of frozen vegetables, INSANITY!) 

What I did: whoa, nelly!  I've really outdone myself this time.  I brought home a bunch of leftover cocktail wieners and tortilla chips from a catering, and had the INSANE idea to make a casserole out of them.  This project was so effin' ridiculous that I refuse to divulge how, exactly,  I made this dish, in fear that some other crazy mofo will attempt to duplicate it.  Note: please, for the love of all things holy, do NOT.  I'm warning you.

Instead, I'm going to tell the tale of the Lil Smoky Casserole via a pictorial spread.  Without further ado, here we go:

First and formeost, I had to wash the cocktail wieners clean of their sins (AKA, the barbeque sauce surrounding them), which was weird and NO I do not want to talk about it.  If I never have to scour miniature cocktail wieners clean of condiments in my kitchen sink ever again, I will be a happy camper.

Next, I made a casserole.  I will not going into detail how this was done (trust me, it is for your own good).  Suffice to say, I incorporated lil smokies in the filling, which was my main objective (the tortilla chips will come later, don't worry!).  Being a true Minnesota girl at heart, I of course also threw in a bunch of tots.  What's a casserole without tots?  A damn, crying shame--that's what.

After cooking this monstrosity for about 45 minutes, I placed crushed tortilla chips on top, and sprinkled shredded cheese on top of that.  Back into the oven it went, for another 10 minutes or so, until the cheese was melted.  I poured myself a stiff cocktail, pulled the casserole out of the oven, and cut myself a piece to taste.

Here is an up close and personal shot of the casserole, for all you sickos out there.

The Verdict
This.  Was.  SO.  GROSS!  Seriously, I couldn't even finish my piece.  I had three bites.  But what was even MORE disturbing was that when Duggins got home, he ate TWO pieces.  And then brought leftovers to work the next day.  WTF!!  It seriously made me question his palate (not to mention, sanity) in a very serious and profound way.  Then again, this IS the same person who also enjoys eating Jello cones...

So I rest my case.

Taste: 2
Appearance: 7
Creativity: 7

Improvements for next time: stop smokin' crack and cooking with cocktail wieners! 


  1. LOL! In search of a way to use up my own leftover lil' smokies, I found your casserole... and I'mma pass, as per your suggestion. But thanks for the laugh!!! Haha And I give you a 10 for Creativity =)
